Individual Leadership Program

As a leader, you need to know where you - and your business - are going. You also need to know why and how to move toward your goals. Your success is determined by how you make decisions and deal with the most difficult challenges. In the leadership position, there is rarely time to step back and think about what really matters and makes a difference.

I specialize in advising leaders personally

I help solve leaders' most concerning considerations. I differ from many other advisors by sparring on the full spectrum of business, leadership and personal consideration.

I have a strong strategic consulting background from some of the most recognized strategy houses in the world and hence provide a good basis for challenging, sparring and facilitating strategies and goals for your business. At the same time, I have a special ability to see and develop you as a leader and human being based on a long and expressed interest as well as solid training in the "mental anatomy" of skilled human beings.


A typical course

Collaborating with us is never the experience of getting a standard product. That is why we spend time understanding needs and discussing solutions prior to all collaboration is initiated.

A typical course is built upon a simple, yet effective, skeleton

  1. Diagnostics (triangulated process including leadership analysis, peer conversations and structured exploration of self) leads to a crystal clear identification of focus areas
  2. Decision (Exploration of possibilities and opportunities) leads to two to three action points to enforce success
  3. Realization of agreed-upon action points (calibration and strengthening of execution) leads to the next “level” of leadership established


An individual leadership may involve

  • Solid leadership analyses based on specific needs
  • Relevant third party conversations or interviews (colleagues, managers, employees or private partners)
  • Structured reflections upon own life, values and priorities
  • Sparring with experts or peers from other organisations
  • Network membership or relationsship building with relevant people
  • Other relevant activities that turn up as beneficial after the diagnostics phase

This way, we quickly and accurately identify the main areas of focus and accelerate your focus and performance. An initial program will often run over three to six months. After that, the collaboration can develop into confidential sparring on the leader's most important challenges and decisions.

Key take-aways

  • A strong takeoff based on a mutual understanding of your desired outcome
  • A crystal clear understanding of your best options here and now
  • Insightful and effective decisions based on a clear understanding of the full decision scope
  • Realization of the decisions and hence your initial needs


Our style of collaboration

Our collaborative style in leadership sparring is characterized by the fact that all meetings take the time needed to reach the goal (typically one and a half to two hours) and that we are focused on delivering the results  and we do what is necessary for the results to be met. Every time.

You will find that we are:

  • Personal and present
  • Spacious and expanding
  • Serious, direct and honest
  • Ambitious and challenging
  • Persistent, intelligent and focused
  • Extreme and uncompromising (if that's what it takes)