Strategy, Leadership and Execution

I specialize in the future and are skilled at seeing and articulating your company's potential for growth.

I work with classic growth and positioning strategy, and your needs may be

  • Vision, mission, and values
  • Positioning and differentiation
  • Growth initiatives and implementation
  • Integration through acquisitions and mergers

Typically, a strategic project is about defining and sharpening the company's future position in the market.
This is a challenge in itself, but an equally important challenge consists in identifying and formulating the necessary strategies to secure the future position.

No strategy is worth anything without implementation.

It goes without saying. I consider a project unsuccessful if it does not materialize in reality. Therefore, it is our joint responsibility to ensure implementation.


My approach differ from many of the classic strategy houses because I unite

  • a highly qualified analytical and fact-based approach
  • a simultaneous focus on the leaders and management 
  • a willingness to follow the results right to the door
  • a highly qualified analytical and fact-based approach

 I ensure the realization of the results. 

It is difficult - but risk-free - for strategic advisers to recommend a path. It may be the right recommendation and it may be given in a detailed form, but it is worthless if not implemented in reality. I am driven by seing the results materialize and therefore follow the strategies through if we agree that it is part of the task.



A typical project

Over time, I have specialised in professional services firms that find themselves in a situation where execution power is blocked. Typically due to blockages in strategy, leadership/ partnership or operations (structures and processes). The benefit of precisely understandingt the two or three most critical levers is significant, because that will lead to a renewed sense of belonging and execution power.

In that type of projects, I typically work upon a simple skeleton in four phases

  • Preparation: Team, scope and joint understanding
  • Diagnotics: Analyses, understanding and identification of fouces areas (interviews, data, structured culture study, a leadership analysis, etc...)
  • Decision: Scope mapping, concrete decisions and action planning
  • Realization: Implentation of two to four initiatives that combined adress the core challenge