Interview with Mik Stroyberg
Mik Stroyberg is an entrepreneur with 13+ years of leadership experience. Mik has founded and grown stand-alone solutions such as Sweetdeal in 5 countries and more than 80 cities and initiated the US office for the digital publishing company, Issuu. Most recently, Mik has been helping European businesses enter the US market through his company, Lemonsqueeze, in New York.
Which element stands out as the most needed? What do you think is the most important to focus on when discussing future leadership?
– Global mindset and collective leadership are my main items for future leadership.
– Our business should be able to support a holistic approach to the world. That’s why diversity is so important to us. We have maps of our number of women and ethnic minorities and constantly ask ourselves if the ratios are fair.
– Take time to refuel and be yourself. That’s an important value to me and I want my people to enforce the time they have off.
– I have tried to empower people in their work so they can offload me. I have done this by using the goals, objectives, deliverables-model down to the smallest detail. We make these up together so they are fully part of where they are going, and when they leave the company, they have a concrete list with the value they have generated for us.
What distinguishes New York from Denmark?
– The fear of losing your job here is bigger. Combine the New Yorker fighter spirit with a Scandinavian safety net and people will lift you up.
– I have made a deal with my people that they come to me before looking for a new job, and then I’ll help them. But they often end up staying because I get the chance of fixing the things they are unhappy about before they make the decision of leaving.