Leadership Opinion Makers
A group for shapers and makers of new leadership frontiers
By now, there is a loud and clear call for a new generation of leadership. We can not, however, lean back until change has taken place in organizational real life. Until then we have to push continously for progress to take place.
Some people are passionate shapers and makers of new insights and opinions on the kind of leadership that is needed for the 21st century. This group is for these people. They dig deep into pains, needs and macro trends. They find patterns and they shape new ways of strategizing, organizing and leading. And they communicate. Communication is so important, because it is the only way that corporate pioneers can get going and make sure new leadership is becoming reality.
Is this for you?
Do you spend the majority of your (professional) life on researching, shaping, consulting or communicating leadership? As an academic, consultant, author, speaker or columnist. Do you already have a voice out there - or would you like to have one?
Do you want to be part of a like-minded group of peers with whom you can work together on shaping next generation leadership? This group will work in two ways: 1) co-inquisitive inspiration and sparring and 2) creating a louder voice (training and commitment). See more on content below.
Content and setup
The group consists of 8-12 members that meet five times per year on Thursdays from 16.30-20.30 in central Copenhagen. Every meeting is structured in the same way
1) Phenomologically check-in
2) Take 1: Co-inquiry (What are you doing? What do you need? What can you give? What is important right now?)
3) Salads and sandwiches
4) Take 2: Voice (a) professional training, e.g., podcasting, media presence, talks, etc and b) commitment, e.g. joint or individual iniatives)
5) Check-out
We will be sending out invitations to people we believe are perfect matches for this group. If however, we have looked you over, please do not hesitate to get in touch or sign up directly.